Becoming a muslim
Are you curious about Islam? Are you ready to take your testimony of faith? Are you worried about what the procedure entails?
At Masjid Al-Salaam we guide you through the procedure, proving you support and advice throughout the entire process.
If you are curious about Islam or just wish to learn more before embracing Islam, you can speak with a member of our dedicated team.
Once a person is ready to convert or revert they will be expected to take the testimony of faith. This will take place in the following manner:
The Imam will provide a brief explanation of the tenets of the Islamic faith. Any questions will be answered.
The testimony of faith in arabic. The Imam will recite the testimony in arabic, slowly and cleary and the person accepting Islam will repeat after him.
Thereafter the testimony will be said in English, which will also be repeated.
Upon completion of this ceremony, you are a Muslim and you’ve joined the largest family in the world.
A service providing education to new Muslims is also available upon request. Free Islamic literature is also available upon request.
Please contact us to book an appointment.
Contact Us
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The Testimony Of Faith
“I testify that there is no god but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”
In Arabic, it reads:
أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن محمدا رسول الله
which sounds like:
This is the testimony of faith that one needs to pronounce in order to embrace Islam; it sums up the truth, beauty, and simplicity of Islam.