Asalaam Alaikum,
By the grace of the one whose hands our souls lie, we were able to successfully raise the $380,000 we needed in order to purchase the former restaurant that we have now converted into not only a Masjid, but an Islamic Center that thousands in the Greater Kansas City area have been able to benefit from. Over the years, our community members, have contributed their time, money, and effort, to quickly take care of the many issues that have come up. Alhamdulillah, our diverse community has been growing at an incredible rate and we are now running into a serious parking issue. Our parking lot is unable to accommodate our community members; especially on Jum’uah (Friday prayer). As a result, we’ve been dealing with the following issues:
1) Our community members’ safety is at risk because vehicles are overcrowding the parking lot. In the unfortunate circumstance of a medical emergency, first responders would not be able to get through our parking lot. In the past, this has led to the Masjid being fined by our local fire marshal.
2) Our community members are forced to park outside of our property lines. This has resulted in numerous complaints from our neighbors.
3) Law enforcement has responded to our Masjid on multiple occasions as a result of the neighborhood complaints and the significant impact our community members have on traffic in the surrounding areas.
Our Solution:
We have been working tirelessly to find solutions. One of the major changes we’ve made to help mitigate this issue is hosting two separate Jum’uah prayers on Friday. This worked for a short period of time and as the community continued to grow both prayer times began having the same overcrowding issue. Alhamdulillah, by the grace of Allah, we have secured a contract for land that we can use for additional parking directly east of Masjid Al-Salaam. To purchase and develop this land we need to raise approximately $80,000.
Build Your Home In Jannah
It was narrated that our beloved Messenger PBUH said: “Whoever builds a mosque for the sake of Allah, like a sparrow’s nest or even smaller, Allah will build for him a house in paradise.”
Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani
The One who created us gives without limit, so join us in expanding the parking lot for the house of Allah and our places in jannah. If you are not able to give monetarily, no worries! Your lord will reward you anyway for your intentions, so consider sharing this post with everyone you know!
The example of those who spend their money on the cause of Allah is like that of seed grain. From it, seven robust stalks rise, and each stalk contains a hundred grains! God gives abundantly to whomever he wants, for god is enough of a provider and is full of knowledge. (2:261)
The property size is legally described in the current contract as follows:
“All of Lots 4,5, and 12, the East 309.59 feet, then South 24 feet, then Southwest 195 feet, then North 165.59 feet, then West 125.41, then North 130 feet to the point of beginning, BROOKWOOD HEIGHTS ADDITION in and to the City of Kansas City, Clay County, Missouri”
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)
4342 NE Antioch Road,
Kansas City, Missouri 64117
The Islamic Center of North Kansas City is a registered Nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization Tax ID 47-3905474